Childcare provider registration form

Thank you for choosing to register on-line with Co-operative Flexible Benefits. Please provide all the details requested below and attach your Ofsted or equivalent certificate to complete your registration. If you would like to use our paper version please download the Childcare Provider Registration Form. For more assistance, please call the Customer Service Team on 0800 458 7929 or e-mail them on

  • a) I/We wish to accept childcare vouchers and agree to the terms and conditions as set by Co–operative Flexible Benefits. I/we confirm that the information given on this form is accurate and true.
  • b) I/we confirm that I/we am/are registered with an appropriate regulatory body as stated on this form. (It is a legal requirement that to receive payment by childcare vouchers, you MUST be a registered childcare provider. It is therefore your responsibility to advise us of changes, withdrawal or revocation of your certification).
  • c) I/we attach a copy of my/our registration form, and give my permission to Co-operative Flexible Benefits to check the validity of my registration with the appropriate body if needed. I understand my details will not be used for any reason other than the operation of the Co-operative Flexible Benefits Childcare Voucher scheme.
  • d) IMPORTANT – PLEASE NOTE. Qualifying childcare does not include care provided by a relative (relative means parent, grandparent, aunt or uncle, brother or sister [whether by blood, half-blood, marriage or affinity] and includes step-parents, civil partners and foster parents) in the child’s own home. Childcare provided by relatives can only be considered ‘qualifying childcare’ if the relative is a registered or approved childcarer, providing care away from the child’s own home, and whom also provides childcare for other non-related children in addition to the related child(ren).

I, the childcare provider agree to:

  • Accept payments from Co-operative Flexible Benefits which have been initiated by parents for whom I provide childcare services only
  • Supply evidence that I am appropriately registered with Ofsted or other regulatory body as stipulated by legislation, and allow Co-operative Flexible Benefits to check that my registration is valid
  • Take responsibility for providing a satisfactory standard of childcare
  • Inform Co-operative Flexible Benefits if my registration as a childcare provider lapses or is withdrawn.

Co-operative Flexible Benefits agrees to:

  • Initiate payment into the bank account for which you have provided details within 1 working day of a parent requesting payment to be made
  • Make no charge for processing payments to you
  • Provide you with an account number, User ID and PIN so you can access our website and check on payments that have been made and are pending
  • Provide a freephone number 0800 458 7929 for you to call and access payment information or request a free statement if you don’t have access to the internet.